Become true
owner Teresa Mary Boyle
Trinity Care Sanctuary exists to help you become true to yourself and live your purpose on this planet. We do this by removing blockages in the body, mind, and spirit.
Emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages can be lifted through a practice that is equal parts intuitive and psychic. Teresa Boyle, Reiki USUI Level 2 practices with a unique psychic + channeling ability that teaches and allows others to live their truth.
How, you ask?
By removing all blockages in the body; emotional, physical, or spiritual. Through Reiki, psychic, intuitive , medium, + channeling abilities. Teresa guides people. As an empath, she doubles as a person who can gather what needs to be worked on internally. Her specialty lies outdoors; with the use of nature; air, water, trees, crystals and rocks, to bring a person back to their intended state.
“My mission is to help you become true to yourself and live your intended purpose on this planet.”
Teresa Mary
To Each
Their Own.
Each person we work with receives their own knowledge. Gathered from angelic beings; higher guides and the dream state. Each person is offered unique knowledge; as they should be. Each offering is as unique in approach as each person is different.